Yesterday's Man… Today's Man…Tomorrow's Man
Ever since I’ve heard it, I knew I was going to share this excellent teaching with you. It’s about three types of people... YESTERDAY’S MAN (King Saul), TODAY’S MAN (Samuel), and TOMORROW’S MAN (David). Yesterday’s Man is someone you never want to be or...
God Always Listens
My husband brought this video to my attention. Lucas McCarty has cerebral palsy and can't walk or talk, but he has found his voice at a sanctified church in Mississippi. I think you will be blessed by this as I was... God Always Listens (click on Link)
Touch Him and He’ll Touch You Back
"Jesus turned around and said to her, 'Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.' And the woman was healed at that moment." The woman with the issue of blood... the Bible says she was constantly bleeding for twelve years... a seemingly incurable...
Why was He Born Blind?
NOW as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man or his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be...
Though He Slay Me Yet I Trust Him – Job 13: 15
Pain’s furnace heat within me quivers, God’s breath upon the flame doth blow; And all my heart in anguish shivers And trembles at the fiery glow; And yet I whisper, “As God will!” And in the hottest fire hold still... He comes and lays my heart, all...
What Do You Do When Hope is Gone?
My last post was about hope. Hope is a great thing, maybe the best of things. Hope is a key to the Christian life. But there’s a kind of hope I can really identify with because I know it so well... “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is...
Hope Says… try one more time
Hope. It’s what drives me, and keeps on driving me. What would I do without it? What would you do without it? True hope is found looking at things from God’s perspective. Hope has to do with the unseen and the future... “To them God has chosen to make known...
What a Strenuous Struggle!
“We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down... but not destroyed-always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in...
God Doesn’t Leave us in the Dark about Suffering…
When it comes to our suffering, aren’t you glad God doesn’t leave us on our own - having to fend for ourselves? We may be down for the count sometimes, but God always, always gives us answers to sustain us, or gives us the instructions on how to be free (sometimes...
Seeing the Works of God in Our Suffering
Nobody is born a lover of the Sovereignty of God; we are all born lovers of the sovereignty of ourselves. A crisis comes - that’s when we learn about God’s sovereignty. It’s usually not a very easy thing to learn, is it? God’s sovereignty sometimes is a very scary...
Overwhelmed? Listen to what God is Saying…
Great affliction. Are you overwhelmed with whatever you are facing at this moment? Depressed? Are you at the breaking point? Yes, there is a breaking point; you either turn bitter, or turn to God. Beloved, you don’t ever want to turn to doubt and...
Why Parables?
“So, why did Jesus always speak in parables? Earlier, someone asked me this question. I’ve decided to write a blog post about it. Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using...
Some Encouraging Words…
My peace I give in times of deepest grief, Imparting Calm and trust and My relief. My peace I give when prayer seems lost, unheard; Know that My promises are ever in My Word. My peace I give when you are left alone - The nightingale at night has sweetest tone. My...
Remaining in the Flesh…
A major earthquake has unleashed its fury. And for three days, the aftershocks were almost more than I could bear. I am metaphorically speaking about the chronic migraines I suffer from. There are times when these headaches just won’t respond to any medication. I...
God's Work on Our Behalf
“Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me [when I was] in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.” Psalm 4: 1 FYI: David is praising God not for being set free from his suffering: but through it. This speaks volumes about the...
Real Strength Comes from the LORD
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Ephesians 6: 10 Though it may be an unpopular truth... your strength in the Lord is born during a storm! It’s much easier trusting God when the sun is shining then when the storm is raging. ...
Somehow God Just Ties a Knot and I Hang On.
“Somehow God just ties a knot and I hang on.” That was something a dear friend said to me yesterday. A great visual. It inspired me. I think about those words and how they clearly, yet so simply ring true. How many of us can say Amen to that statement? I think we all can…
The World Needs More Pillar People
Pillars are strong. They help support. Let us be the kind of people who fill in the gaps for others... when I think of filling in gaps, I immediately think of the men who went the extra mile to open up the roof of the house of where Jesus was in order to gently lay...

“Who is this one? Look at her now. She arises from her Desert of Difficulty Clinging to her Beloved.” Songs 8:5