Hannah’s Song of Praise
Remember that day in the Temple when Eli thought Hannah had been drinking because he saw her lips moving but heard no sound. Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord... “And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look...
I Want to Remind You
I'm here to remind you of God's protection in the midst of danger. He doesn't promise us a world free from dangers, but He does promise His help whenever we face danger. I know someone needs to be reminded of this today ... "Those who live in the secret place...
Some Thoughts ~
“You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have.”~Corrie ten Boom.
How this resonates with me in my every waking moment. It wasn’t until suffering plopped itself down in the middle of my living room
After the Locusts Have Eaten
It’s a fact, a sad fact, that all of us have times of scarcity and famine. But the flip side of these times speak of R-E-S-T-O-R-A-T-I-O-N! God says we can expect restoration, and that’s exciting. There’s one word that God has spoken over and over to me, and that is focus. Oh yes my friend, God brings both the bad and good.
Did the Lord Ever Speak to Me at All?
“Did the Lord ever speak to me at all? If so, why does He allow the innocent to suffer? Why was I sent to this filthy prison while that lewd woman (Potiphar’s wife) lives in the lap of luxury? Could not an omnipotent God deliver me? Why then does He leave me here?”
The Word of God Will Try You…
Dear friend, if God gifts you, or if he graces you – then He intends to try you. Being “tried by the Word” is something that has lately been mulling over in my mind.
In Everything Give Thanks
“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thess. 5: 18 For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for YOU. We’re perplexed at the thought that something as terrible as a disease or ____________ (fill in the blank) is...
To Live is Christ and To Die is Gain
Oh my friends, there has been much death in my life. I’m not sharing this so you can feel pity and sorrow towards me, but I have to be transparent. I have to be real. I have been stripped of so much that I held dear. I
The Christian Wilderness
The Christian Wilderness. How shall I start to explain this? The best way I can describe it is that you are confronted with an anti-you barrier, and in the eyes of the world you look like a loser. Limitation after limitation have been part of your life now for years, or you’ve had to endure a lifetime of restriction. What I mean
Envy – The Suffering Righteous and the Successful Sinner
Envy. Sometimes it’s hard not to be envious… especially when it seems like you’re stuck sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else’s life progressing… and you are just existing day after day, month after month, and monotonous year after year. You may think
You’ve Changed Me and I Can’t Change Back
What has been playing over and over in my mind for some time is something from the 1990 movie “Pretty Woman.” I was talking about this to a friend today and got inspired to write about it. Remember towards the end of the movie Vivian (Julia Roberts) said this to...
He’s Waiting for the Perfect Moment to Intercede Most Effectively
Is the Lord being quiet with you? “If we ask anything according to His will, we know He hears us. And if He hears us, we know that we have what we ask for." 1 John 5:14 So He’s not saying no, He’s just saying NOT YET! Oh you can be sure He’s attentive and sees...
Knowledge vs. Experience
“I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4: 12-13 This statement...
The Gift of Time
I'd like to repost this because many of you haven't seen it before. It was written back in 2009... Talk about gifts that are wrapped in ugly packaging… I have come to realize that Almighty God has indeed blessed me with the gift of time. When it happened I viewed...
The Lord’s Case Against His People
As I was praying last night, I clearly heard the Lord tell me to go to the book of Jeremiah. I opened the Bible to the book of Jeremiah and didn't get very far. Some verses here stood out to me. Keep in mind that God isn't talking to those who don't claim Him as...
Learning the Discipline of Faith
Hey friends, I’m thinking that it’s about time to sit down and write something new for you to read It’s been some time since I last posted anything and you’ve probably been wondering what’s going on. When I first started blogging, I posted almost every day. And I...
Spiritual Forces Cannot Work While We Are Trusting In Earthly Forces
These are words that seemed to jump off the page as I was reading! Their timeless truth is still screaming loud and clear... Spiritual forces cannot work while we are trusting earthly forces! This is a statement made that carries great worth. It’s something I have...
There’s That “F” Word again
I’m talking about FOCUS. School is still in session. That is, Holy Ghost University! So far this school of Hard Knocks has deposited something pretty incredible inside of me. It’s something that can’t be grasped in the classroom... experience continually teaches...

“Who is this one? Look at her now. She arises from her Desert of Difficulty Clinging to her Beloved.” Songs 8:5