Lean On Me and Lean Hard!
"Child of My Love! Lean hard! Let Me feel the pressure of your care. I know your burden, child! I shaped it- I poised it in My own hand and made no proportion of its weight to your unaided strength. For even as I laid it on, I said I shall be near, and while she...
Allure My Heart
All I can do sometimes is sit still before God and just reflect. I’m nothing less than amazed at the radical way Jesus has changed everything about me. I don’t know the old Lori; she doesn’t live here anymore. I’m feeling that there is someone out there,...
Treasure in Common Jars
For the umpteenth time, discouragement rushed in and reared its ugly head. Despair can paralyze and debilitate even the strongest of souls! But God always makes sure my spirit overcomes - by spoon feeding me His Word, and I regain focus. Great is His mercy and...
All Volumes of My Memoir are FREE pdf Downloads!
A Blessing in the Storm - Volume One (Free pdf)A Blessing in the Storm - Volume Two (Free pdf)A Voice Crying in the Wilderness - Volume Three (Free pdf)
Be at Rest Once More, My Soul
“Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” Psalm 116: 7 I laid my heart out to God last night, like I have done so many times before. There are times when nothing is being said. There are times when all you can do is cry and not say a...
Spend Your Time…
“But don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval."John 6:27 These were words that hit me...
Songs Speaking From the Past…
Wow. Are you ready for this? "God, Help Me to See You in the Ordinary Things " is a post I was planning on writing a few days ago, but I got sidetracked and it was put on hold for me to finish later. Traveling about yesterday, I saw something that took me back to...
Knowing Gods Deep Secrets
A while ago I heard a statement that really made me think. In fact, it helped me in my prayer life... You ask God about something, and when He answers you question whether or not it was Him. Why don’t you believe Him? Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will come...
You Are Still God
“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” Psalm 7:13-4 That’s what the Holy Spirit...
Before and After My Encounter With Christ…
My internet connection was down all day. It gave me a chance to make some new graphics, which I'm still working on - so check my "free graphic" page this weekend. I also made this new photo, which I'm pretty excited about! I think it really speaks volumes of the...
Even the Obstacles Serve God’s Purpose
I want to be an encouragement to you today... I also want to be one to myself. I would like you to take a minute and step back from whatever is going on this moment in your life and have a long, hard look at things. Do you remember asking God for a certain...
Being Left Alone by Satan Isn’t Necessarily Evidence of Being Blessed
I’ve encountered many who believe the power of God in a person’s life should absolutely keep them from trials and adversities. The opposite is true; the power of God brings conflicts and struggles. Look at Paul’s life. You would think the great servant and...
Please “get it!” It’s yours for the taking.
Each of us have the fingerprints of our Creator written all over us beginning in the womb. I love hearing how we come to see and respond to those fingerprints! A miracle happens! Here is a message I want to share from my friend Sharon, who sends out a daily email...
We All Want Resurrection Power but… Suffering?
“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3: 10-11 (NIV) What does Paul mean? Here’s what I...
Its Truths Never Change
“When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God of Heaven's Armies.” Jeremiah 15:16 How true these words are to me! Nothing has ever taken hold of me like Jesus Christ (You have enclosed me...
You are not God, I Am
Why is it that I am always struggling against something? At times it feels like I’m fighting a losing battle. It seems like a good portion of my time is spent trying to defeat a giant. Something has gotten hold of me, and as much as I want to defeat this giant, it...
Jesus Is In the House
I posted this back in 2008, and just read something which kind of says the same thing. So I'm reposting this, and I hope it speaks to you as it has spoken to me. 🙂 Jesus Is in the House Once there was this very wealthy young man. He lived in a great, elaborate...
Should I Stop Praying for Healing?
When should I stop praying for healing? Good question. This is an inquiry asked of me a few days ago. It's been a long ~ many years that I’ve been in the trenches of suffering, and here is my reply. IT DEPENDS. It depends on where your heart is with God. It...

“Who is this one? Look at her now. She arises from her Desert of Difficulty Clinging to her Beloved.” Songs 8:5