Over the past few months I’ve allowed my life to be overcrowded and confused to the point of losing my focus – my single-minded love for Christ. A very dry season… a season where I could not hear from God… a season I thought God was just being silent… Boy was I dead wrong! Subtle distractions were what the enemy cleverly used to get me off track and weaken my devotion to my first love. All I could do was cry out to Jesus, “I love You Lord,” “Please answer me,” “Tell me why I feel so dry.”
Jesus heard my cries. He answered. And now I’m back! Hallelujah! He gave me the answer to why my cup seemed so empty… I came across a teaching that I think was meant for me to hear at this particular moment in time. It emphasized how even the littlest complaining can turn to doubt, and if it persists can even turn into “giving up.” Does anyone know what I’m talking about? You know, “Oh just another day of this,” ”I can’t deal with this anymore,” “Nothing ever changes for me”… blah, blah, blah!
Complaining gives a foothold to the devil. Let’s be real… when we complain, we start to worry, worry opens itself up to fear, and before we know it we’re speaking words of death, instead of words that bring life! Let me show you what scripture a friend of mine, who discerned what was happening, sent me in my email:
”Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18
Do you think God was trying to tell me something? Well God, I got it loud and clear! I know that I was made to love, and BE loved by you! God always, always brings me back! And when He brings me back, I think of when the Bible says the shepherd will leave the other 99 sheep to go and find the one that went astray. Blessed be the name of the Lord!