My Memoir
Muscular Dystrophy Messed Up My Life and Made Me Whole - Volume One
Muscular Dystrophy Messed Up My Life and Made Me Whole - Volume Two
Spiritual Riches of Greater Intimacy with God
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness - Volume Three
Book Reviews
Read “A Blessing in the Storm” and find hope, strength, peace and encouragement. She quotes an abundance of scripture throughout her book. She knows there is power in God’s Word. Lori knows when you speak God’s Word out loud, the angels hear your words and move into action.
Let me say this in closing, Lori is not only my friend, she is an inspiration to me. When I read her books, I not only fall in love with her passion for life, her strength and her faith, I fall in love with Jesus all over again. These two books have touched my heart in such a way that I know without a doubt Lori Laws will indeed lead many lost and hurting souls to Christ. When all is said and done, Lori will indeed say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. 2 Timothy 4:7
~ Review from Julie the SURRENDERED SCRIBE (Volume One) I recently had the privilege to read Lori Law’s first book, A Blessing in the Storm…MD Messed Up My Life and Made Me Whole. I write that it’s her first book because I’m pretty sure it isn’t her last. This may be her story, but she writes in such a way you can plug your name in there and any issue or affliction you have or are dealing with and you will walk away encouraged.
I’ve known Lori online for awhile and there is just this warmth and Holy Spirit filled energy from her. I never would have guessed had we met in high school, I probably would not have tried to befriend her. She confesses she was one of the beautiful people that had a physical image to protect. Her confidence was strong. I definitely did not exude confidence or beauty! MD was a hereditary disease in her family and lay dormant in her perfected life for years. When the symptoms manifested, her orchestrated life came crashing. Lori admits she needed MD. She was forced to exchange her independence and priorities.
Lori chose a relationship with Christ and a walk with her Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to guide her in this new life. A new life that isn’t all about MD, but about Him. Her writing is candid and something every reader can relate to. The core of the story isn’t MD. Lori shares a lot of pieces of her life and how God put them back together His perfect way. Her book is about whatever holds us back from true wholeness in Him. Our issues are many: pride, honesty, faithfulness, purity…Lori tackles “our” journey in order to equip us with hope. Hope in Jesus Christ. A thirst for His word. A love for His promises. I’ve sat on this review for awhile and it wasn’t because I wasn’t sure what to say. I felt like I had to wait for the right time for someone who needs to read more than this review, but Lori’s book. My sense is you’re feeling a pain, physical or not, that threatens to consume you. Let A Blessing in the Storm encourage you. Better yet, trust God to transform you. I encourage you to keep Lori Laws on your radar. To keep up to date on Lori’s writing visit her site often or sign up for her RSS feed at:
~ Review from Lauralee at SELAH PAUSE. PONDER. PRAISE (Volume One) A Blessing in the Storm MD messed up my life and made me whole by Lori Laws has been on my mind to read for quite some time. The moment I saw it had been published as an e-book, I purchased it. Life got in the way, though, and I had not been able to get past the title page. This weekend, a stormy weekend oddly enough, I had some down time and was determined that this would be my opportunity to start it. Start it? I couldn’t put it down (yes, I printed it out). I finished it. It’s that gripping.
Lori’s memoir, underneath the surface, is not really about her struggle with Muscular Dystrophy, though it is the catalyst for every message in it. Its mostly about her plight spiritually. She writes in her introduction: This book is for anyone who is suffering with anything. I whole-heartedly agree. Ever wrestled with pride? Self-righteousness? Unbelief? Vanity? Have you ever enjoyed a destructive lifestyle? Do you suffer with chronic pain of any kind, whether it be physical or emotional? Do you have guilt or dysfunction from your past that clutters your heart and mind? Have you given in to your circumstances or allowed them to identify you? Are you convinced that God doesn’t listen or doesn’t know what He’s doing? Do you have a hope unfulfilled? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Lori’s e-book will encourage you more than you could ever imagine.
The instant I read the foreword written by Lori’s husband, I knew that this would not be a book of pat answers for someone struggling with disease. Rather an authentic testimony of hope found amidst the struggle. And Hope is the paper this story was written on. Lori is genuine, honest, purposeful and direct with her memoir. It’s filled with day-to-day stories and experiences that have carved her into a beautiful woman of God, one who is still learning how to lean and showing others how to do so right alongside her. Lori writes, Remember that nothing ahead of you is bigger or stronger than the power of God behind you. That God-power is what has made her God-strong even with a disease that has the potential to leave her feeling powerless and weak. My insights on Lori’s testimony and message cannot do them justice. I encourage you to see what God has in it for you. Even if you are not a believer in the God of all hope and comfort, I encourage you to read her story. If you are someone who thinks you have it all together, there could be a jewel in it for you too. If you find yourself not knowing what to say to a friend who is struggling, or if you are a spouse or relative to someone with chronic pain or illness, Lori’s book has the potential to lead your heart to greater insight and perspective regarding these relationships. Though a Kleenex or two is needed along the way, she will lead you to a place of Hope if you are willing to stop there. She will show you the place where, in her words, God saw me, and in His great mercy saved me and brought the sweetest peace.
~ Review from Valerie from SIMPLY 4 GOD (Volume One) God is truly awesome! I was asked by my good friend, Lori Laws author of Persevere, to write a review of her new book entitled, “A Blessing in the Storm-MD Messed Up My Life and Made Me Whole.” I love Lori so much as she is such an inspiration to me and I immediately said, “Yes! I would love to!” Then I began thinking, “Valerie you have never in your life written a book review! What in the world were you thinking?” Well, I did the only thing I could do and that was seek the advice of the One on High: GOD. So, I talked to Him about what I should say in this review and how I should write it since I was clueless. What He laid on my heart was simple, write what is on your heart.
So, my friends, here is my review of Lori’s book. Lori has a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. Before being afflicted with this disease, she was a woman who was on top of the world and enjoyed life to the fullest. Then, she was struck down with this rare disease which drastically affected and changed her life. When I first read the title, I thought “how could MD make some one’s life whole?” Of course this got my curiosity peeked. I began to read her book. I could not stop! I could not wait to get to the end of the book! Yes, my friends it is that awesome, amazing, fantastic, inspiring and full, I mean full of hope, love and faith.
Of course she goes through the emotional phases of denial, hate, bitterness, anger, fear and loss of hope. But, the more you read the more you see how God truly worked within her life! What was meant to destroy Lori only made her stronger! She says these words, “through circumstances I had no control over, I have turned to Him. We all have things in our lives which are beyond our control or things that seem insurmountable and hopeless. I stand here today only by the grace of God, and can say that I am able to look beyond the pain and see that it was a severe mercy!” The foreword her husband wrote simply took my breath away. His love for her can be felt through his words. As with all newly married couples, you want to start a family. When they found out about Lori having MD he wrote these words which brought me to tears, “the reality that unfolded now is focused on Lori’s survival and not my wishes.” He also goes on to say, “Lori is my life, and I am here to stay no matter what.” Oh how I cried tears on that! Lord knows I could write and write about Lori’s book, but I don’t want to give away anymore than I already have. I highly recommend that everyone read this book. Anyone who is suffering from abuse, hardships, pains, disease and those who are not suffering at all should read this inspiring and encouraging book. This book is full of hope. This book is how God can take your mess and turn it into a blessing. This book offers encouragement. This book let’s one know that: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Lori’s awesome book takes you from not having hope to hope. From not trusting in God to trusting in God. From leaning on your own understanding, to leaning on God’s understanding. This book is simply a must read and I don’t say this because she is my friend, I say this because her book is simply THAT GOOD! Trust me; you will want to purchase the book. It will bring hope back into your life. Grace and Peace.
~ Review from Jack Norman at Living Whole with Chronic Pain (Volume Two) “In order for God to take you deeper and most intimately into Himself, He must expose all in you that is not of Himself.” Lori Laws
At a time when Christians are exposed to variations on the Gospel that emphasize wealth, prosperity and personal happiness, Author Lori Laws dares to say in her new book that the deepest growth in her Christian life has occurred while suffering the pain and debilitation of Muscular Dystrophy, emphasizing instead the spiritual riches of greater intimacy with God. “Adversity is the boot camp that refines our character,” she says. “My entire perception of God was transformed by suffering,” Laws continues. “I’ve discovered what it means to live by faith. Trusting God is a matter of the will, and has nothing to do with feelings.” In her book, A Blessing in the Storm…Muscular Dystrophy messed up my life and made me whole Volume Two, Laws tells the story of an ordinary person in devastating circumstances who comes to know the extraordinary power of God and learn amazing truths of how God gives us true peace, freedom, and our real identity in Christ through pain and suffering.
While the Christian church is divided on this topic Laws meets the subject head-on. With a voice of experience seasoned by the crushing pain and degenerative affects of MD, she shares with rare candor and compelling emotion her account of living with the disease that destroyed not only her abilities to perform everyday tasks but stole her cherished life dreams. Her journey is one of courage and faith where the darkest human realities meet the surpassing realities of God’s love and extreme mercies. She writes “I’ve had moments when I wanted to take my own life, but that’s when Jesus stepped in and took it instead. Muscular Dystrophy just happened to be the vessel used to veer me off the destructive path I was on. It was a path where I measured my value and worth on my health and appearance. I was so broken, and this brokenness is what brought me to my knees. In the midst of the most severe storm of my life is where I found my Life-Giver!”
In her account of this journey through a storm of trials Laws describes an experience she calls a weaning from the world. “Being weaned from the world is no picnic. Nobody willingly walks down the road to Calvary. Calvary is the road that speaks of genuine brokenness and a crushing of self. God uses suffering to afflict the heart and conquer the mind. Laws credits her suffering with MD for the spiritual growth and increased intimacy with God she has experienced. “I am greatly encouraged in the midst of my suffering because that’s where He (God) meets me. He reveals things to me that otherwise would not come if not for Muscular Dystrophy.” She says. “In order for God to take you deeper and most intimately into Himself, He must expose all in you that is not of Himself. At first it seems extremely cruel to be cut off from earthly things and people we rely on for comfort and stability. But it’s in this time that the familiar sounds and voices from the world are exchanged for the peace and serenity that comes only from the throne of God. In A Blessing in the Storm…Muscular Dystrophy messed up my life and made me whole Volume Two, Laws brings profound spiritual principles into practical application settings. She applies God’s Word where the hurt is and often it is in the pain that God’s Truth about the purpose of her suffering is revealed. “Only God knows all of the reasons suffering happens, but I know one of the reasons is so that we can comfort others in their time of pain……….another reason for this refining is so we will be able to pass on the insights we learn to others. It’s the way God works; a deeper dying to self has endless powers of multiplying life in others.” This is an honest book by a writer who has been through devastating turmoil and has not only survived but prevails to tell her story of discovering diamonds of God’s Truth in the wilderness where she has been. She shares those Truths transparently with the unfiltered emotion of one who, like Jacob, has met both pain and God in life-changing, never to be the same again experiences. She did not compromise her message to those who suffer and live with chronic pain and illness to avoid offending those who do not. Rather, she champions the cause of those who suffer by exposing every detail of her story that may bring them comfort at the risk of conflict and controversy for herself. This book is a labor of love by an inspired writer leavened with pain and full of compassion for the hurting. Readers who suffer will find an understanding friend in the writer and will hear in her voice the authenticity of one who has been there, lived it, and walked where they live. Many readers will likely find comfort, insight and hope; some may find answers to life-long questions; others may find controversy with her candor; but no one is likely to read this book without being touched and moved by the dramatic struggle of a child of God struggling through bedrock pain and agony, both physical and mental, to reconcile her suffering with her loving Creator and God, and not without reward: “…once we surrender and lay our self-will and pride at the feet of Jesus, a certain sweetness of the heart comes,” said Laws.
~Review from Valerie at Simply4 God’s Glory! (Volume Two)Blessings come in many different forms. For me, a blessing came in the form of an email from my good friend and sister in Christ, Lori Laws. Lori wrote a book entitled, A Blessing in the Storm…Muscular Dystrophy Messed Up My Life and Made me Whole Volume 1 and asked me to read it and write a review. I was truly honored. Now, she has graciously asked me to write a review on her new book entitled, A Blessing in the Storm Volume 2. What an honor! My friends, here is a review not written from my head, but from my heart.
Lori Laws has Muscular Dystrophy. To read the beginning of her story you must read, “A Blessing in the Storm Volume 1. There are days when her body is so racked with pain that it hurts her just to move. She not only suffers physical pain she also goes through emotional pain. She says, I don’t really understand why my body is broken. Physically speaking, everything is an obstacle course for me. Although the physical pain is there, it pales in comparison to the emotional pain I feel.” We take for granted that we can walk, run, get out of bed, cook, clean etc. For Lori, when her body is in pain this is hard, if not impossible for her. Yet, she finds strength in the ONE who created her. GOD. It is her faith in God which gets her through each and every day. God has a plan and a purpose for Lori. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
“A Blessing in the Storm Volume 2″ tells of the emotional roller coaster that she rides daily. God has plans for Lori’s life and they are evident. When you read her blog, Persevere, her books, “A Blessing in the Storm Volumes 1 and 2″”, and by listening to her, you know that God has a plan for Lori and she is following that plan. She is a living, breathing testimony of how a woman who has Muscular Dystrophy can live and enjoy life through the strength, grace and power of Almighty God. Yes, I am sure she has days in which she gets depressed, has doubts and does not want to continue on. I know the devil constantly tries his best to get Lori off the path God has for her, yet she continues to persevere through it all. She knows that God’s grace is more than enough to see her through. Her book is full of encouragement. It is full of hope. It is full of love. Lori has graciously and lovingly shared her deepest most intimate details and pains of her life for all to read. She has bared her soul to us. Lori knows where her help comes from. She knows that she has to continually, “lift her eyes to the mountains from where her help comes. Her help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1,2. Read “A Blessing in the Storm” and find hope, strength, peace and encouragement. She quotes an abundance of scripture throughout her book. She knows there is power in God’s Word. Lori knows when you speak God’s Word out loud, the angels hear your words and move into action. Let me say this in closing, Lori is not only my friend, she is an inspiration to me. When I read her books, I not only fall in love with her passion for life, her strength and her faith, I fall in love with Jesus all over again. These two books have touched my heart in such a way that I know without a doubt Lori Laws will indeed lead many lost and hurting souls to Christ. When all is said and done, Lori will indeed say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. 2 Timothy 4:7
~ Review from Miriam at t MY WHEELS HAVE EYES (Volume Two) What a pleasure to read the second book by this author, Lori Laws! She writes with true honesty and opens her heart and soul to her readers. I have to tell you as I was reading Lori’s book outside one afternoon, a butterfly landed on the book. They say that butterflies are a symbol of good luck but I also believe they are a touch from God reminding us He is always there. It was so fitting for what I was reading. I cannot possibly quote my favorite or meaningful sections or statements in the book. Mostly because you would no longer be reading my review, but instead Lori’s Book as I could not choose which words to leave out. With only one exception: I really never thought I would here another person say these words: “God has a plan and a purpose for me having Muscular Dystrophy.” What a powerful and humbling statement to make. It takes a lot of soul searching to get to this point in your life when you can say that your disability came from God to give Him glory. We always ask WHY? when bad things happen and after reading Lori’s book, you will no longer wonder why? The answers will be in you heart and mind.
She connects readers to the true life line of God and shares how she has developed her thinking and faith. In the last chapter, she shares scriptures that are comforting to her. I too have Muscular Dystrophy and throughout the book, I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. Lori has such a talent for sharing her words and experiences with others and I highly recommend you read the latest volume of her book, A Blessing in the Storm. I was provided a PDF copy of the author’s book for review. I was not obligated to provide a positive review. The words in this review are my own.
“Your book speaks about overcoming obstacles. It speaks about struggles through adversity, as well as perseverance, sensitivity as well as insensitivity, pain and suffering, hope and faith. Ultimately, it speaks of your personal affirmations of Gods unconditional love!”
“I just finished reading A Blessing in the Storm The book is amazing! You share your experiences with such honestly and clarity. The book congers up so many emotions. I smiled many times, both physically and spiritually, while reading. I have also found myself fighting to hold back tears as I have read portions that speak so honestly and specifically to the pain and questions that I am experiencing. While we suffer from very different neuromuscular disorders, I can relate to so much of what you have written.”
“I commented previously that this book would be a quick read. I was wrong! I will have to read the book again to truly digest all of its content. I am not one to mark up good books, but with this one I will have to make an exception, or buy another copy for the purpose of highlighting and making notes.The truths you have shared are not all easy to accept, but they are truly timeless. I thank God for each one. He is clearly working mightily within you. I thank Him for the example that you are setting for the watching world. I desire the same faith and clarity of propose that you exhibit in my own life.”
“Hi Lori! Through your blog and your book, I have realized that a huge factor that’s been lacking in my walk with God is finding comfort in His word – I thank you for your insight and encouragement. So far I feel like your book cuts right to the chase with how God feels about things, and that is not something I’m used to. I’m used to stepping around God’s truth with our feelings…… and not really relying on Him but on our own perception of Him.”
I finished your book last Monday. Wow, what a great read!! It was very inspiring and uplifting and so positive. I am praying and giving my worries to God. I am excited as Real Life church is coming to my area. I am jumping on the God wagon AGAIN lol…… I want to read your book again, I need to go back and highlight all the great scripture and positive sayings. I will surely be posting sticky notes of inspiration on my mirrors and etc…. I am going to buy two more books to share with family… Thank you so much for writing your book. I feel as though I know you personally because of your personal stories . You are an amazing strong person and I look up to you. Hope we can keep in touch forever.
“So Encouraging!”
“Praise the Lord for God’s infinite Grace! What a wonderful story of God’s unchanging and unconditional love. Tears came to my eyes as I read your story, Lori, and I am proud to be called your sister in the Lord. One day you will DANCE on streets of gold.”
“My insights on Lori’s testimony and message cannot do them justice. I encourage you to see what God has in it for you.”
“Lori is genuine, honest, purposeful and direct with her memoir. Its filled with day-to-day stories and experiences that have carved her into a beautiful woman of God, one who is still learning how to lean and showing others how to do so right alongside her.”
Lori's Bio
ery nice to meet you, I’m Lori Laws. I love Jesus! I love all things Jesus! I really enjoy lifting up and encouraging others, mostly just to let them know they’re not alone! I live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with my husband, Michael. I am a born-again follower of Jesus Christ. It’s my passion to write about my personal experiences to make you realize that God is in the intricate details of our lives. I also happen to be afflicted with a rare Muscle Disease. I am here to share things with you. I am here to encourage you. I am here to let you know there is hope, especially if you feel this isn’t the place in life you envisioned for yourself! I’ve been there, and sometimes still frequent there. I know it can be a dark and scary place.
When I sit and write, things seem to pour out of my heart, and they hopefully connect with someone who needs to hear the exact words I write. I’m all about pointing the way, and sometimes that means carrying people to the only One that can truly turn the tides. That’s why I write! That’s why I blog! And whatever happens next, I will give God all the glory! I will always give God all the glory! Hallelujah!

“Who is this one? Look at her now. She arises from her Desert of Difficulty Clinging to her Beloved.” Songs 8:5