David Ring is the person I’d like to feature on today’s “Character Counts” meme, hosted by Tracy @ Seed Thoughts. David is an inspiration to many. He happens to have Cerebral Palsy, but is a dynamite evangelist! There are some people who are paralyzed by their circumstances, David Ring helps all of us see past our individual limitations (whatever they may be), and focus on the overcoming power of Jesus.

Yes, I’ve picked a person with disabilities for my first two posts on “Character Counts.” I guess this is my way of saying that if you have a disability…never let that stop you from glorifying the Lord through your life! It doesn’t matter what the package looks like on the outside, there’s always something more. In David’s case, that something more speaks of God’s love, compassion, and acceptance.

David Ring is the biggest inspiration! I have a DVD of his life and testimony, which is a great thing to show to my (God’s) NEVER ALONE chronic illness/disability support group. David Ring will make you laugh, cry, and marvel at the wonderful works and grace of God.

He came into this life with an incredible disadvantage, or as he says, “I was born to lose.” But David is not a victim! He’s victorious through Christ! You will be so inspired and lifted up by David Ring’s story. The world told David he could never do anything worthwhile…David proved the world wrong, and it’s only by the power of Almighty God! Please go to David Ring.org and read about David, maybe watch a video or two. He just had a grandchild! He’s a champion in the game of life! Please check out the video below:)

“God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.” 1 Cor. 1: 27-28