“Others first—Self last.”

A very simple statement, yet how genius! This is the message that stirred in my heart as I was praying. Like everybody else, I have my own issues. But I should know by now that whatever I seem to be going through at a given moment, good or bad, is always used to bless someone else… whether it’s used as a word of encouragement or used to strengthen my faith (in perseverance) to be able to confidently speak those words of encouragement. I know honesty is the mark of a good writer. I also know healing comes when people are real with one another. I just happened to read this in my devotional today, and I’d like to share it …


“Therefore do not always look ahead to your tomorrows for some ideal situation, exotic difficulty, or faraway emergency in which to shine. Rise today to face the circumstances in which the providence of God has placed you. Your crown of glory is hidden in the heart of these things—the hardships and trials pressing in on you this very hour, week, and month of your life. Yet the most difficult things are not those seen and known by the world but those deep within your soul, unseen and unknown by anyone except Jesus. It is in this secret place that you experience a little trial you would never dare to mention to anyone else and that is more difficult for you to bear than martyrdom. Beloved, your crown lies there. May God help you to overcome and to wear it.

It matters not how the battle goes, The day how long; Faint not! Fight on! Tomorrow comes the song.

I don’t know if those words spoke to you, but it most certainly speaks to me. Live for today! Live in the present!

Getting back to others—the best comforters are those who know something about personal suffering. I remember reading something regarding leadership and comfort…”Never trust a leader who doesn’t have a limp.”

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