living by the spirit“Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you.”
John 6:27

Love that Scripture, it’s on my fridge! I see it everyday. It’s the main message of Jesus. Ultimately…eternal life with the Son of Man and Son of God is the prize for this race of faith we’re running in this life. There are many who think that having a religion is their guaranteed ticket to heaven. It’s all about a relationship, and true believers follow Jesus because they know He has the truth and His way is the way to life.

“The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But some of you do not believe me. That is why I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father gives them to me.”
John 6:63-65


Think of the song, “Amazing Grace.” “I once was blind, but now I see….” The Bible says that without the Holy Spirit, we can’t even see our need for God. It also says that all spiritual things seem foolish to the natural man (that is, someone who doesn’t believe….therefore doesn’t have the Spirit). But as believers, God enables us to respond to His truth.

Jesus’ words caused many of His followers to desert Him. His teachings were difficult to understand, and some of His words were offensive. But Jesus makes it clear that there is no middle ground. It’s black or white…we can either accept or reject Him. He wasn’t trying to oppose or repulse anyone, He was simply telling the truth. The more the people heard Jesus’ real message, the more they divided into two camps-the honest seekers who wanted to understand more, and those who rejected Jesus because they didn’t like what they had heard…much of like what happens today.

I used to be in the second camp, but God loved me so much that He somehow opened my eyes to see the truth. He didn’t want me to continue going down the road I was on. And we all have the same choice to make. We all have the same free will.