Be still and know I am GodWhat are we to do when things turn dark and confusion sets in?
Times of darkness and confusion surely will fall on you if you are walking obediently with God. Times will come when we have no idea as to what to do or which way to turn. It will feel like you’re navigating your way through total darkness. We need to be prepared in advance for these times, so we will be able to withstand whatever is happening at that moment. You want to be victorious…don’t you?
The #1 thing we need to do to prepare ourselves is to listen to God’s Word. “Let him…trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.” Actually, the first thing to do is nothing, and for some of us, doing nothing is the most difficult. (Last night at my Chronic Illness Support Group, was this scripture that screamed… “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10, 37:7)

The only thing we can do is trust God, and let Him work. I know it’s easier said than done when I say not to worry, but worrying tells God that you don’t trust Him. When I say this, it’s coming straight from my heart… If God has brought you to a certain situation or circumstance; there is no use in striving against it (been there-done that.). Don’t fight God. You won’t win…you just make things more miserable. Oh, and by the way, having a pity party does not move God…obedience does.
Only the peace of God will quiet our minds and put our hearts to rest.
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you.” Isaiah 26:3
Cling to Jesus ~ put your hand in His, and let Him guide you. He knows the way.