Just Rest

What an awesome promise.  We will find R-E-S-T.  Did you know that rest is service?  When our souls are at rest is when God tells us His secrets.  In the quiet heart is where God does His most exquisite work… He renews and transforms us to be more like Christ.  There is no better service than being a living sacrifice to Almighty God!


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  Matthew 11: 28-30


My heart sings every time it hears Jesus’ invitation to come to Him.  He frees; I no longer have to toil and struggle through the spiritual meaningless of my old life.  Our purpose in this life… the thing God has called each of separately to accomplish, will not be a result of ourselves.  Let me say that another way… Only God Himself can do the work He assigns to His children.  I know you’ve heard “He will bring you through it if He brought you to it.”  Do you believe that?  Do you really believe that?


I’m writing about this to encourage many people who feel like life has passed them by… like they’ve been made to sit on the sidelines as they watch the rest of the world getting on with their lives.  I’ve felt that way many times, but let me tell you that the most important thing is learning how to rest in Jesus.  That’s where you are going to absorb the power you need to live and do your life’s work.  You won’t get any anointed power on the porch – if you don’t spend time at the altar!  Do you know what I mean?  The way to let God do His work is to fully abide in Christ.


So not always the busiest soul best serves, but he who rests upon God’s Word.  The work you end up doing will have more depth and power, that’s been my experience.  So a word to us all…


“Be still and know I am God.”  Psalm 46: 10