Before we start studying chapter two, let’s look at the person of King Nebby… He was one of the world’s greatest conquerors. Not only was he a great conqueror, he also had a great problem with pride! King Nebby worshiped many gods, even thinking of himself as one. When he conquered the little nation of Judah, he met a God who demanded exclusive worship–not just his share among many gods. This new God was different; this God dared to claim that He had made Nebuchadnezzar all that he was. One of the great conquerors in history was himself conquered by his Creator.
We read that King Nebby has a frightening dream(s). God sent a series of dreams to King Nebby with prophetic messages that could be revealed and understood only by a servant of God. The Bible tells us he was deeply troubled, and the king’s magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers were called in to not only interpret the dream, but King Nebby arrogantly demanded to be told the dream…
How egotistical and haughty of the king! Executing the innocent? He asked for the impossible! When the commander came to kill Daniel and his friends, Daniel handled the situation with wisdom and discretion from God. He asked the commander why the king would issue such a harsh decree in the first place? The commander told Daniel everything that had happened. Immediately Daniel went to the king and requested more time to tell the king what the dream meant.
The king granted Him more time, and Daniel went home to tell Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah what had just happened. He urged them to ask God to have mercy, and to show them the secret of King Nebby’s dream. That night, the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Rightly so, Daniel praised the God of heaven…