“I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.” Ecclesiastes 3:14-15
Don’t be afraid of this verse. It’s good news! God will one day call your past into account, and He will no doubt see smudges and stains, sins and faults – He will also see the blood of His Son which will cover all (Hebrews 9:14). What else about your past? God will see countless times of obedience and perseverance, trust and confidence in Him; He will recognize your doggedness through hardship and your resolve against temptation – again, it will be His Son who made the provision of grace upon grace. When God calls everything about you into account, you will praise God for the blood and the blessings of Jesus as never before!


You will drop to your knees before Jesus to express thanks and gratitude. The Man of Sorrows will walk from His throne and approach you. He will have absolutely no doubt of your appreciation, for He knows what you have suffered, what you have endured, the temptations to which you said “no.” He will reach toward you with His nail-scarred hands, and when you feel your hands in His, you will not be embarrassed – that’s because your own scars, and all those times you felt rejection and pain, have given you at least a tiny taste of what the Savior endured to purchase your redemption.


Your hardships, like nothing else, are preparing you to meet your God. Your suffering is getting you ready – for what proof could you bring of your love for Jesus if this life left you totally unscarred?


Gracious God, I am full of praise for Jesus Christ. His blood covers my sins, and His blessings of grace help me live righteously. He deserves all the praise!


Joni and Friends
