Wow, today I was reminded of this simple truth. Sometimes it’s not so easy to hear… When God closes a door, He’ll open another – a door that has something better in store. And God reminded me through my devotional reading, that we shouldn’t be surprised if our answer arrives after doors – maybe many doors – close before us…

“Paul and his companions… [were] kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.” Acts 16: 6

The Holy Spirit kept them… Very interesting! According to the Bible, in his later years, Paul would do some of his greatest work in that very region; but now the door was closed before him by the Holy Spirit. The province of Asia was not ready for the bold and “in your face” type of teaching of truth Paul was known for. Apollos needed to go there first to lay the groundwork.

“Father, even though it may disappoint us, close every door that does not lead to your will being done. As we persist in our calling and as we continue on this path that you have brought us down, let us hear your voice behind us as you whisper ‘turn aside to the left or right.

We need to persist and persevere in the direction of our calling until we are told clearly what to do. So keep on serving… keep on showing up… keep on writing… keep on teaching… keep on speaking… etc. There’s sure to be an open door.  But I just need to say that we don’t always need to hear God’s voice; He leads us in different ways… (1) Make sure your plan is in harmony with the Word (2) Ask mature Christians for their advice (3) check your own motives. Do you want what you want, or what God wants?