Today I feel strongly that the Lord guided me to this scripture, and wants me to write a little about it because someone needs to hear it. You’re afraid to step out and walk by faith…
Jonah immediately comes to my mind – he too, like Moses wanted out of the mission God set before him. Major difference though… Jonah ran, Moses stayed and just pleaded with God to rethink about using him. When looking at Moses’ reply, we can see that he probably felt he was going to embarrass himself, or worse yet… embarrass God. Unlike Moses, God didn’t look at this as a problem.
Beloved, you must know that if God asks you to do anything, He will make sure you have whatever it is you need to get the job done. If the job you’re called to do involves one of your weak areas, trust that He will provide words, strength, courage, and ability where needed. So be encouraged to dive head first into your mission! We walk by faith, and not by sight! I also think of how in the book of Acts, Peter spoke in boldness and confidence when the Holy Spirit came upon Him. We have everything we need.
Have a great day 🙂